Saturday, September 25, 2010

River Market during the fall

"Mat" one of the guards at the entrance to the River Market actually baked me a BD Cake and gave it to me as I was walking Lucy for her morning walk. Hard to find friends like that !

My friend Amy

Amy is one of the "dog people" around here. Her dog is named Flint. Both are a hoot. And Amy is a a good friend. Tried to set me up with one of her older co-workers. That's how considerate of me she is

New grocery store opening

The River Market desperately needs a grocery store - go figure. This one should open sometime early October after I'm gone. But when I return I'll be here often as it is only 1.5 blocks from my apartment!

The Farmhouse Resturant

The absolute best place to eat on the River Market

Brenda on the right is my regular server. None better in KC.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Doggie Bag

I finally settled on a backpack to carry Lucy. She loves it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lucy on the loose

Lucy has finally graduated to "off leash" at the dog park. The usual crowd gathered and I decided to engage them to help me watch Lucy. I was certain she would take off for Canada. Instead, she stood watch and hardly moved a muscle.

That was until her buddy (co-dependent relationship) Lou showed up and they got into it as usual. This time Lou didn't have Lucy's lead to pull around, so he tried to pull her around directly. She took after him as you can see in this somewhat blurred photo.

Lou is loosing his teeth. His owner Joel examined Lou and discovered he had lost a canine this time.

Meanwhile the other "large" dogs did their usual pull and play. Lucy simply stood watch.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lucy at the park

Lucy went to the Dog Park today sporting a new red harness. Red is the Official colour for Yorkshire Terriers, so it was only fitting her new threads be red.

Her "boyfriend" Lou didn't seem to notice much. He tried to pull her by the leash as he always does.